Welcome to ERA Belsito & Associates

Sellers Security Plan

"We will sell your house, or ERA will buy it!"
An ERA Exclusive!

Guaranteed sale, guaranteed price.
When you accept an offer from ERA Franchise Systems LLC, the Sellers Security® Plan assures you that ERA Franchise Systems LLC will buy your current house if it doesn't sell within 180 days from the application date. ERA Franchise Systems LLC guarantees the purchase price offer, so you'll know in advance the minimum you can expect from the sale of your house. You'll also have plenty of time to see if any other buyer is willing to pay more.

You get the profit, ERA Franchise Systems LLC covers any loss.
Almost always, you will receive more than the price guaranteed by the agreement. If ERA Franchise Systems LLC ends up purchasing your house and then resells it for more than we have in it (including holding and closing expenses), the net profits are returned to you. But if ERA Franchise Systems LLC sells it for less, you don't take the loss, ERA Franchise Systems LLC does.

House04.jpgERA Mortgage Equity Advance Option can even help with your down payment.*
The ERA Mortgage Equity Advance Option allows qualified buyers to borrow against equity. You may use up to $500,000 of your available equity from the ERA® offer to purchase and close on your new home financed through ERA Mortgage. So if the down payment on your new home is contingent on the proceeds from your old one, the ERA Mortgage Equity Advance Option has you covered.

Increased Buying Power.
The ERA® offer eliminates the uncertainty of contingency offers giving you the flexibility to move when you want. You are in a better negotiating position than other buyers who may still have to sell a home. 

Sellers Security Plan qualification.
Your house must be a single-family primary residence. Houses must have an average appraised value of at least $50,000 and not more than $750,000. Mobile homes, co-ops, or multi-family homes are not eligible for the plan. Properties that have an abandoned storage tank on site are also not eligible. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What will ERA Franchise Systems LLC offer for my house?
If your home qualifies for the plan, ERA Franchise Systems LLC will offer you 90% of the appraised value. If at any time another offer is presented to you for more money than the offer you accepted from ERA Franchise Systems LLC you close with that buyer at a higher price. You always have the option to cancel your purchase agreement with ERA Franchise Systems LLC at any time. The appraisal process is described within the application.

What will I be required to do?

  • Agree to implement the ERA Five-Point marketing plan
  • List your house with an ERA Broker for at least 180 days
  • Buy another house through a Broker designated by ERA Franchise Systems LLC (Not required for military moving to base housing)

Does this mean I have to buy a new home listed with ERA® Broker?
No. You are only required to purchase your next home through a Broker designated by ERA Franchise Systems LLC.

What expenses will I have?
Your cost for participation in the Sellers Security® Plan will include the same expenses due in any other home sale, including the sales commission and other closing costs customary in your market area. In addition there are certain other costs including an independent appraisal and home inspection.

Am I required to submit an application immediately upon listing with an ERA® Broker?
No, one of the benefits listing with an ERA® Broker is the program remains an option for you to use at a later date. Also keep in mind that by listing with an ERA® Broker, a prospective buyer who needs to sell their current home to buy yours can use this program!

Certain conditions apply. For complete details, see your participating ERA® Broker.

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*Neither ERA Franchise Systems LLC nor its affiliated companies, provides any product or service in connection with the ERA Mortgage Equity Advance Option. All products and services provided by ERA Mortgage.

ERA Mortgage, 3000 Leadenhall Road, Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054. Arizona Residential Mortgage Licensee #BK 0903622; Licensed by the Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act; Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee #6266; Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee #5941, 310 South Michigan Ave., Suite 2130, Chicago, IL 60604, 312-793-1409; Massachusetts Licensed Lender #ML1945; Minnesota - This is not an offer to enter an interest rate lock-in agreement; Mississippi Registered Mortgage Company; Licensed by the New Hampshire banking department; Licensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance; Licensed Mortgage Banker - NYS Banking Department; Licensed First Mortgage Banker and Secondary Mortgage Lender by Pennsylvania Department of Banking; Rhode Island Licensed Lender. In Virginia and Massachusetts, mortgage services provided by ERA Mortgage Corporation. ERA Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender.

ERA® is a registered trademark licensed to ERA Franchise Systems LLC.

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